Their Lovin, My Oven

My Journey as a Gestational Surrogate

“Little Tot” Onboard September 17, 2012

Transfer of one of M&Ts sweet little totsicles went AMAZING on Saturday 9/15/12 at approx 2pm. I promise to update more soon but it’s been a super long day of travel and Little Tot and I just want to crawl into bed right now. I hope everyone had a great weekend!


We’re PUPO – Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise!!! I promise a full transfer post ASAP <3<3


Preheating in Progress September 5, 2012

Well folks, we made it to September!!!!! I’m not really sure where in the world this year has gone but BOY oh BOY is it flying. When I visited the doctor back in August and he said we would be transferring on September 15th, it seemed like it was eons away and yet here we are, almost in single digits on our countdown! Hard to believe but SO exciting.


On my last entry, I listed all the medications I would be taking during this cycle and showed you my beautiful color coordinated calendar. Since then my daily regime has been as follows:


1. 10 units of Lupron every morning

2. One each pill of Dexamethasone, Doxycycline, Florajen, Calcium and Baby Aspirin in the morning

3. One each of Doxycycline, Calcium, Folgard and Prenaplus in the evening

4. One injection of E2V estrogen intramuscular 2x per week (Tuesday & Friday.)


This morning I had my blood drawn to check my estrogen level. The NC said they wanted to see it somewhere above 200 and unfortunately mine was only 157 😦  She did say not to worry, that they will just increase my dose of E2V and everything should still be fine. Though I’m a little down in the dumps about it, I know if they aren’t worried, I shouldn’t be either. I suppose I just expect more from my experienced uterus LOL.


On Sunday super, duper, super early in the morning my 5 year old darling daughter and I will be heading to the airport to fly to SF! I get to see Dr. Zouves for a lining check and we need the good old ‘ute to be at least 9mm! Send me fluffy uterus vibes, pretty please!!! At my ultrasound lining check one week before my transfer of the cutest little Italian babies EVER, my lining was a 13+ so I’m really hoping for similar results this time around. We need a nice comfy hotel for M&Ts sweet totsicle to snuggle in on!


Congrats to all my surrosisters who have had recent transfers, gotten their BFPs and positive betas! I’m so blessed to be a part of such an amazing community of women!


<3, Danielle