Their Lovin, My Oven

My Journey as a Gestational Surrogate

Unforgettable December 20, 2011

Esteban & Michele’s sweet baby boys were welcomed into this world on Sunday December 18th, 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gabriel was born at 1:07am and weighed 5lbs, 14oz. Davide was born at 2:09am and weighed 5lbs, 10oz. I was able to deliver both twins vaginally like we all hoped ❤

They are the most adorable little boys EVER. Seeing Esteban & Michele holding their children for the first time was….. Completely unforgettable to say the least. I am so in love with my amazing surrofamily.

I promise to post a birth story soon.

Until next time, (just) Danielle 🙂


Pregnant Forever? December 16, 2011

If I weren’t already scheduled for an induction, I would swear that I would be pregnant forever LOL. These little boys are SO comfy! Today marks 38 weeks!!! I had my very last NST and the boys are still trucking right along with plenty of fluid, great movement and great heart rates. I had a few contractions but nothing major.


If I haven’t gone into labor on my own, we will head to the hospital at noon on Monday to serve these boys their official eviction notice and start packing their luggage for them. I promise to keep everyone updated as best as I can. We can’t wait to meet Esteban & Michele’s precious angels ❤


Lopsided Baby Belly LOL 🙂



Until next time, Lots of love from Danielle and the Bambinos



Maybe Babies? December 13, 2011

Nope. No babies yet. They’re still baking away. Apparently my Bambino Hotel accommodations are beyond first class. These little angels aren’t showing ANY signs of packing up and vacating voluntarily. Looks like they plan to enjoy their Presidential Suite right up to the day that I officially pack their bags for them and close the doors. And you know what? That’s quite alright with me 🙂 Happy, healthy and chubby lil Italian babies are well worth the wait!


I had a routine NST yesterday that turned into a little visit to Labor & Delivery. Both babies have an amazing level of fluid and plenty of movement (I am still amazed they have room to move as much as they do!) I had 5 contractions while I was being monitored and during those contractions, sweet Baby A (Gabriel) was having some heart rate decels (decelerations) that the OB on call wasn’t quite so happy with. She said it could be because he is very low in the uterus (literally I feel like he’s going to fall out and he routinely punches my lady bits with surprising aim accuracy) or it could be him moving onto his umbilical cord… Nothing to stress about right away but she wanted us to head to labor & delivery to have a bio-physical ultrasound done. The ultrasound would basically look at both babies for very specific movements and give us good insight as to their general well being inside their womb-for-rent. I was hooked back up to the monitors in triage and after only about 15 minutes (seriously, that’s record time!) the ultrasound tech came and “picked me up.” Esteban came to the u/s with me and got to see their little angels. They both scored 8 out of 8 on the test so we were told everything was A-OK and I could go home 🙂 Told you the boys were mighty comfy. I have an appt with the perinatologist at the hospital where I will be delivering tomorrow morning so we’ll see if I’ve dilated any further.


Only 6 days until eviction day. While I hoped and prayed (and so did many others) that I would make it this far, I have to admit that in the back of my mind I always had small doubts. I am a very small person (5 feet) and to carry twins is something I never anticipated. I expected to be pulled out of work early, be put on partial or full bed rest, and be lucky if we made it past about 34 weeks. Instead I never had to worry about bed rest, my cervix stayed long and strong, I worked right up to 34 weeks, and here we are – Beyond full term at 37 weeks 4 days, only 6 days away from the very last day that I can possibly remain pregnant. The statistics and odds stacked against us were astronomical but we did it. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my amazing Hubby, Esteban & Michele, friends and family. As this journey comes to a new chapter, I look back and couldn’t possibly ask for anything to be different. I love my IFs, I love their little boys, I love my new extended Italian family and I can’t wait to turn the last page in this chapter and start the next one.


Until Next Time, Lots of love from Danielle and the (uber comfy) Bambinos ❤


Like Winning the SuperBowl December 10, 2011

I feel like we’ve won the SuperBowl. The Daytona 500. The US Open. The Olympics. You get the picture, right?

All along my personal goal has been to bake these precious little boys until at least 37 weeks. So many people said I couldn’t do it. I’m only 5 feet tall and that’s a long time to carry not one, but two sweet babies. But I showed them. Here we are. 37 weeks and 1 day. I’m so proud of my body. *Celebration Dance*

37 weeks is an accomplishment for any pregnancy but with a singleton at this point most people are still expecting a few weeks left. I delivered my own children at 39 weeks & 40 weeks, 1 day. I went into labor several times before “the big day” but always wanted them to stay put just a little longer so I knew they would be big and strong. When you’re carrying around two babies who have a combined weight of approximately 13 pounds, 37 weeks takes on a whole new meaning.


It hasn’t been easy. I would NEVER pretend to know what it’s like if I hadn’t been here. I never knew how much of a toll two babies takes on your body until now. I’m very ready to be done and SO happy to know that the boys are considered “more than” full term for mono/di twins and will be healthy whenever they decide their birthday should be. Even with as much as my back hurts or as many times as I have to get up to go to the bathroom or as swollen as my feet are, I’m just relaxing and taking it easy – If the boys want to stay at the Bambino Hotel for the next 9 days until it closes, they are more than welcome to do so.

My IFs have been amazing – They are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their sons. They check in on me constantly and keep telling me how wonderful I am. I really don’t think I’m all that special – I’m just doing everything I can to make sure their angels arrive into this world healthy and happy. Their nervous excitement is SO adorable. I remember being there and anticipating the birth of my first child. It’s a feeling unlike any other and indescribable with words. Each day that we get closer to “eviction day” makes me so excited to see them holding their children. I know it’s going to be the most amazing moment EVER. 9 days and counting.


Thank you so much to all of my friends, family and surrosisters for constantly checking up on me and making sure I’m okay. I’m hanging in there and can’t wait to post my birth story and pictures of my sweet surrobabes.


Until next time – Lots of love from Danielle & the (fully baked) Bambinos ❤


Super Powers December 1, 2011

Holy Moly Guacamole, folks! It’s December 1st! Do you have any idea what that means? Well, do ya? If you’re going to say that it means you better get started on your Christmas shopping, you’re probably right – But not for purposes of this blog. Try again.

December 1st means…. That…. THESE PRECIOUS LITTLE BOYS WILL BE HERE THIS MONTH!!! Oh yeah, you read that right. In 18 days or less, Davide & Gabriel will make their grand entrance into this world at the most amazing time of year. What better time for two precious little miracles to be born than right before Christmas?! Craziness. This pregnancy has absolutely flown by sooo quickly. Theoretically I could go into labor any day, and since Esteban & Michele arrived to our house 2 days ago, that would be okay. According to a perinatologist at the hospital I will be delivering at, 60% of twins are born before 37 weeks. That’s super for 60% but I am DETERMINED to be part of the minority and keep these little boys baking until at least that point. Tomorrow marks 36 weeks which is a HUGE milestone for twins, especially mono/di identical twins. We’ve made it this far, no reason the boys can’t keep up their residency at the Bambino Hotel for another 10ish days. Say it with me, people. 37 weeks, here we come!

We’ve been thoroughly enjoying every single second with E & M. They are staying at our house right now and I wouldn’t want them to be anywhere else. That might not be the relationship that everyone has with their IPs, but it is what we want and what works for all of us. I love having them here to be able to feel anytime one of the boys moves and to just enjoy their company while we wait for the big day. Last night they even got to feel one of the boys having the hiccups! Super adorable 🙂 We’ve been getting things ready for the boys arrival and taking advantage of my nesting phase and washing all their teeny, tiny adorable little clothes, shopping for more teeny, tiny adorable little clothes, getting the car seats set up, etc. I am so thankful that E & M are allowing us to be a part of them preparing for their angels. It means the world to me to help them pick out bottles, diapers, outfits, etc. They even involve our girls which just warms my heart. The more I see how they interact with my kids, and how much my girls love them, the more it just reaffirms what I already know – They are going to be the BEST Daddies and Davide & Gabriel are two super lucky little boys.


As we get closer and closer to delivery, I have a million emotions running through me at any given time. You think that you know how you’re going to feel when you start out your journey as a surrogate, but it’s never for sure… So for those of you starting your journey and wondering what it might be like, here’s how it is for me.

I’m nervous – I have to deliver not one, but two babies. This is obviously my first time doing so and that makes me slightly nervous. Not only that, but these aren’t my babies. I’m carrying and will be delivering E & Ms angels. Their babies and their FAMILY are in my hands (and those of the doctors.) I pray every single night that God allows us to have a completely “normal” delivery with no complications so that E & M can look back on the day their children were born and remember how amazing it was, just as I look back and remember how amazing the births of my children were.


I’m anxious – I just can’t wait to see the look on E & Ms faces the first time they hold their sons. I’ve been picturing it since we met in January and envisioning how it’s going to feel. I doubt that there are words to describe how it will feel and I just cannot wait!


I’m proud – As I help prepare for the twins to arrive, it hits me how different this delivery is going to be. Not in the physical sense but in the emotional sense. I’m not “just” delivering a baby. Not that delivering your own children isn’t amazing and a miracle – It of course is. It’s the whole reason I wanted to be a surrogate in the first place – To give someone the gift of parenthood. BUT this time I’m not just delivering a baby (or two.) I’m creating a family. I don’t even know how to describe how that feels. Thinking about it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I know I already said it, but I’m just SO excited to see E & M holding their babies. I am so thankful that God has allowed me to be a part of such a miraculous process. That’s my super power this year – Creating a family. I’m pretty darn lucky.


Until next time… Lots of love!